View Profile EbonHawk7X

18 Audio Reviews

8 w/ Responses

This is really pretty! The music and vocals definitely remind me a bit of old-timey jazz like Billy Holiday. And I also sense modern Japanese influence, which I'm sure came from the song being inspired by the NeiR Soundtrack. I think this is what reminds people like myself and i-miss-you of Evangelion, particularly the "Fly Me to the Moon" rendition that played after each episode. Overall a wonderful piece of work!

Great use of effects

I gotta hand it to you, the way you used all the effects in this really made it a pleasure to listen to! Sounded like you used the Sakura VST (if your in FL9)? I enjoyed the buildup and stacking of instruments in the begining, and the drums came in at a good time. I liked the variety added by the filter that came in @ :27. the peak around 1:11 was good and I really liked the use of panning from that point forward. Really at this point all I have to comment on is the melody, which actually doesn't seem to have too much variation yet as well as the fact that it is often hard to distinguish behind the filters and other noises. This isn't really a bad thing, but you may want to consider doing more than adding effects to add interest to the music. Song continues to jam until about 2:31 where you Introduced some mellow runs. Props for that, it fit great. After that the song eased back into the main chorus and than had a superb outro. All in all a good composition with a liberal use of effects that fit the trance style well. (Y)

Not half bad

I liked when the main synths started to kick in, you should use some subtle reverb on some of your instruments though, it can work wonders. After the main body of the song there wasn't much variation to keep things fresh. Try throwing in some cool effects (EQing, reverb, etc...) and such and maybe mess around with some knobs using automation clips? Well, in all it was pretty good.

Japillow responds:

Thanks, I'll definitely try adding some reverb and effects. I'm too tired to do it now though ._.


well, it had a bit of an origional sound to it ;p. I would suggest in the future adding variation to the kick, and generally the entire song as well. also, there was a bit much static throughout the song, clear it up more in some places like entrances, melodies you want to stand out, etc...

So, starting from the top:
0:00 - 0:37 ->
i liked your use of noise and how it helped to ease in the saw-sounding synth, however it lasted a bit long and i definately would have liked alot more inpact when the drums came in. though i think it may have taken a bit long for your synth to fade in and your static came in a little to quick. last note on this part would be to add more impact and immediate interest in your song.

0:37 - 0:48 ->
the bass kick was to distorted for the volume it was at, and i feel like there wasn't enough clarity for me to hear the depth of what was happening.

0:48 - 1:30 ->
once more TOO MAWCH STATICZ! at this point it would mostly be mastering to bring out all the sounds going on and duck the statick behind them. i like the kick but it needs a bit more variation (especially in volume) to make it unique, but i liked how it stood out on its own. (so make it more versatile and still keep it in front is i guess what i am saying).

1:30 - end ->
from here on out its mostly variations on what has already happened, so do what with the info i gave you, but don't forget im just one guy and everyone has their own oppinion. good luck, and above all have fun XD

Lashmush responds:

Wow, thats a review allright...

my inspiration for hardcore tracks are usually industrial / darkcore artists such as Ophidian, Nosferatu, Enzyme X, and so on... Therefore the noise you refer to as "static" is what I refer to as adding a dash of cacophony to the mix. It's not supposed to be easy to listen to. It would be Easycore then, and nobody would like it. ;D

Thanks alot for the review, sir.

Pretty good

O.K., starting from the beginning:

I like the concept of the piano, but i think you could add a little something to make the into a little more interesting, because the wavy pulsing piano isn't really working for me by itself. my also look into melody but thats up to you.

i like the drums, maybe a little more than just the piano filling in between the drum interludes.

i like the way the pick up with the piano around :50. great synth you have going there with the piano and drums, i might suggest pulling that hat back some, because it stands out a little from the rest of the piece.

i like the synth that starts around 1:56, fits really well.

the sunth that comes in at 1:22 could use a little more flaver, seeing at it seems to be just a long seep tone.
i like the stuttering effect around 1:44 after that though, com in with a sixteenth note base and and a little more hardcore percussion, bordering on breakbeat.

once again the long deep tone that you use at the end really needs some color because it really lacks texture.

that is no kind of ending, at least have it fade out or something?

all in all, pretty good, i like the concept. expand your song, add a little more depth to it.

good luck and keep producing!

good use of presets

Platnum saw, some hits, throw some other good presets and you're good right? but seriosly dude, i still kinda use presets but am finally learning to make my own synths, and i garuntee you that when the first thing i hear is a sytrus saw no matter how good the song is, it kinda throws me off to hear those same sounds over and over again. try making your own synths in the 3x osc, it works great.
as for the song? catchy. nice melodies, and some prety awesome gated-like effects there. cool bassline, doesn't get boring, and really fits the peice. good into with the stacking and main bulk of the song coming in strong. the categorie works just fine seing as you have drums and bass in it. at this point its really up to you how you extend or change it. adding some cool effects and quiet countermelodies might be cool but at this point everything is just a suggestion, because its a great song the way it is now. good luck on that final version if you get around to it, and keep making music =)

X-wing9 responds:

Well, I'm still exploring FL Studio, most of its tools seems new to me... and yes, I used presets. xD

I need to get some time to explore better the plugins, like Sytrus. I tried to make something in it, but I got really confused. Anyway, I'm currently using presets so I can focus on the other tools for now (like automations and the clip editor), but be sure that I'll explore more the plugins!

Thank you for the review! ^^

its actually pretty good

nice use of chords, its pretty nice and actually loops very well.
i would suggest that you use a little bit more variation in your song, as in have a different rythem other than that one, and change the chords, because even though there nice, its only changing between a few different ones at the moment and i think more variety would add alot more flavor to your song. the bass is nice and subtle, but a few soft, melow drums would help put down a solid feeling.
i don't really care that its short because it's a loop and i have never really been one for making longer songs myself.
overall pretty good, just dont be afraid to change it up a bit =D


sounds pretty cool. a bit nastolgic, and reflective. nice peice, i'll give you a ten because you deserve it.


ASKLJDFKSJFHKLAJSFHKLAJSKFHCOWBELLLLL L!!!!!! oh my GAWD that was so epic... i think i recognised that very beginning melody in th background (?). direct wave? maybe, maybe not. i love this. thank you.

Rig responds:

You might've heard it from "The Yummy Muffin"

neat concept

i thought it sounded kinda cool, but very repetetive and nothing changed until a minute into the song. it was a but dull but has more potential than was shown here. try to change some stuff up enough to make it interesting, ad one or two more melodies, and add some cool effects.

7.5 / 10

Age 31, Male

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